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Hi, first of all I decided to reply only logged in users... why are you hiding yourself? I respect that. but in order not to beat the bush, i want to discuss issues with someone logged in. Anyway. for your first question, translations were provided insufficiently and unsystematically, i will of course return to translations' issue after i at least have 1000 good articles in this wiktionary. And my main refernce wikt. will be english one since it is the most reliable in many respects such as content and design. second, i deleted a handful of (not an army of) cyrillic written words. they were done so amateurously - no explanation - no relevant information. and cyrillic written words are not priority. those who will create such articles are welcome but i think this will be done in stage-wise process. Anyway, please don't mind that next time i will not reply anonymous users!!! --Hanberke 09:34, 3 maý 2009 (UTC)[jogap ber]

Bu sahypa heniz ulanyjy hasaby edinmedik ýa-da hasabyny ulanmaýan bir anonim ulanyjynyň pikir alyşma sahypasydyr. Şonuň üçinem biz ony görkezmek üçin sanlaýyn IP adresini ulanmaly bolýarys. Şunuň ýaly IP adresinden ençeme ulanyjy peýdalanýan bolmagy ahmal. Eger-de sizem anonim ulanyjy bolsaňyz we size siziň bilen dahyly ýok habarlaşyklar gelýän bolsa, onda mundan beýläk başga anonim ulanyjylar bilen garjaşmazlygyňyz üçin özüňize hasap ediniň ýa-da sessiýa açyň.